Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Eccentrick Experience

This years art show at Mary Ward is truly one I will remember for a very long time. This is partially due to the fact I was not aware of the one that took place last year and because I actually had work submitted into this years event. Throughout the halls of the school, everyone could notice or realize that something significant was occuring. I started to notice the advertisements from the third row of the school and even went into the room near religion to see a tunnel full of mutant lanterns lit up. As I progressed, there was a room where children who visited our school would get the opportunity to view a movie made by students from our very own school. I was already impressed by this small installment but when I entered the basement I can say I was truly mesmerized. It was incredibly dark but I noticed that the staircase leading there had the logo "Eccentick" and an image of the statue of David with an afro and art supplies in his hair. As I continued my journey I ended up in the work shop of Mr.Emers and viewed many beautiful pieces made by his students. One that caught by attention was made by a grade 11 and it was an NFL logo perfectly carved, sanded, and stained. I then left after viewing the other numerous cutting boards and chest of drawers on display and headed to Tech. There I saw models of houses and digitally displayed 3D houses on Google Earth. I was truly impressed by the ability of the students and even believed many of them would be successful contractors in the future. From there I headed on to my next destination which was the art room itself! There I saw the most amazing of art work our school had to offer. From the entrance there were images of grade nines with their faces all twisted and randomly coloured. As I ventured deeper into the room, I viewed the Eccentrick express and saw the train with its many crazy passengers on their carts. I then turned my head slightly and the images of famous figures filled my pupils. From the boxer Mohammed Ali, to Leonardo Da Vinci, and even Katty Perry herself drawn to perfection. As I headed out of the art room through the rear exit I was fortunate enough to be able to witness the work of the hip hop crew and view my own graffiti project. I cannot lie when I say that everything that caught my eye was impressive. Even when I entered the Computer Technologies room I was amazed to see the work of my very own classmates on display and was proud enough to see my own collage on the computer to view. Though the experience was truly breathtaking and all art work shown was awsome, I can say the best piece of art I saw throughout the whole exhibit was.... the graffiti made my my friend Kevin Sriranganathan. I was fortunate enough to view his work in progress and be the first to see his finished product. He made a piece on a wooden cutting board entitled "GHOST". The designs were truly amazing and the effort he put into it was undescribable. Most of all he never even took art but still had the passion and desire to make a work of art. For this I believe in my opinion that the selection I chose was to be the best was truly valid.