Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Eccentrick Experience

This years art show at Mary Ward is truly one I will remember for a very long time. This is partially due to the fact I was not aware of the one that took place last year and because I actually had work submitted into this years event. Throughout the halls of the school, everyone could notice or realize that something significant was occuring. I started to notice the advertisements from the third row of the school and even went into the room near religion to see a tunnel full of mutant lanterns lit up. As I progressed, there was a room where children who visited our school would get the opportunity to view a movie made by students from our very own school. I was already impressed by this small installment but when I entered the basement I can say I was truly mesmerized. It was incredibly dark but I noticed that the staircase leading there had the logo "Eccentick" and an image of the statue of David with an afro and art supplies in his hair. As I continued my journey I ended up in the work shop of Mr.Emers and viewed many beautiful pieces made by his students. One that caught by attention was made by a grade 11 and it was an NFL logo perfectly carved, sanded, and stained. I then left after viewing the other numerous cutting boards and chest of drawers on display and headed to Tech. There I saw models of houses and digitally displayed 3D houses on Google Earth. I was truly impressed by the ability of the students and even believed many of them would be successful contractors in the future. From there I headed on to my next destination which was the art room itself! There I saw the most amazing of art work our school had to offer. From the entrance there were images of grade nines with their faces all twisted and randomly coloured. As I ventured deeper into the room, I viewed the Eccentrick express and saw the train with its many crazy passengers on their carts. I then turned my head slightly and the images of famous figures filled my pupils. From the boxer Mohammed Ali, to Leonardo Da Vinci, and even Katty Perry herself drawn to perfection. As I headed out of the art room through the rear exit I was fortunate enough to be able to witness the work of the hip hop crew and view my own graffiti project. I cannot lie when I say that everything that caught my eye was impressive. Even when I entered the Computer Technologies room I was amazed to see the work of my very own classmates on display and was proud enough to see my own collage on the computer to view. Though the experience was truly breathtaking and all art work shown was awsome, I can say the best piece of art I saw throughout the whole exhibit was.... the graffiti made my my friend Kevin Sriranganathan. I was fortunate enough to view his work in progress and be the first to see his finished product. He made a piece on a wooden cutting board entitled "GHOST". The designs were truly amazing and the effort he put into it was undescribable. Most of all he never even took art but still had the passion and desire to make a work of art. For this I believe in my opinion that the selection I chose was to be the best was truly valid.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Proper Etiquette Towards Using Cell Phones

Cell Phones have truly been a part of the lives of humans for quite some time now. They were invented in roughly the mid 50s but have not come into popular use until just recently. They contain far more content then they had previously before and can even come in vast shapes and sizes. This bieng said, cell phones are truly what seem to be a part of many peoples lives in western society. A majority of adults and many teenagers have or had previously owned one. Which means the etiquette people face when handling one can me various. What is known though is that some habits can be abnoxious or even illegal. When someone is talking on a cell phone, they usually tend to isolate themselves from their surroundings to better understand and focus on the person they are communicating with. In such cases extreme conditions occur. There was an increased number of vehicle accidents, caused from handling a cell phone while driving. The only thing that could be done was to place a ban on cell phone use while on the road. Though this did severly decrease the amount of people who do this, it did not completely prevent the occurance from happening. It is not the legal issues and safety that is just remembered when thinking about cell phone use. There are such factors like the proper way of speaking and in what places one should. Answering a loud ringing phone could be frustrating for others to listen to, this is especially true if the recipient speaks answers with a loud tone of voice in a quiet environment. There are also times when limits should be properly placed on cell phones. For example, when somebody is in church or in class, cell phone use should be prohibited because they are in a place where all their attention should be focused on the teacher for respect or in a place of warship where they should be devoting themself to God. I believe people should use cell phones on their own time. Along with this when they are in public places they should try to turn their cell phones on vibrate to not disturb other people. If there were 5 official cell phone rules i could establish they would be as followed: 1) Do not interrupt face to face conversations to take a call.-this is because it is very rude to keep the person you were originally talking to holding, for someone that has not found the time to reach you in your personal time. 2) Set the ring tone to a moderate one.- this is so that people cannot get frightened or fed up with such a melody that can be found annoying for others. 3) Let people know if you are about to recieve an important phone call ahead of time.- this is important because then you can be properly excused without others having any problems with it. 4) Never use your phone when driving a vehicle.-this is because when driving a vehicle your attention must always be on what you are doing, using a cell phone can almost quadruple your chances of having a collision. 5) When answering a private phone call do not communicate in public or wait until you are alone.- this is because surrounding people do not have the right to know your buisness or might not even want to know at all and this is also not fair for the other person on the line, because you could be exposing that individuals personal information as well. With all this said i believe my 5 rules would gradually increase the cell phone etiquette among its users if it was enforced. Though i feel cell phones are very unique and technologically advanced and also contribute to the socialness among its users, there are a few flaws in the way it is used that could effect others.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Changing Ways of People and Technology

Technology has been a part of human lives for ages now and it is true when people say that it has changed the living conditions and behavior of humans due to the reason it has evolved over the years. I personally believe that as technology grows and more is introduced, that the user becomes lazier and expects so much from something that is brand new. It seems that they get caught up with all of the latest introduced products to the point were they would not be able to adapt if they were brought back to the past when technology was primitive. In the early years, most technological devices were difficult to use and they did not offer much compared to what the more improved versions do today. None the less, to own something that made your life easier was treasured unlike it is today. For example, if a middle class family from the 50's were to recieve a telephone they would be undoubtably greatful for it, because it was a material item that not everyone could afford to posess. Nowadays if a family were to get a free telephone from a company or as a gift they would likely be slightly gracious or some would even discard it. This is a sign of technology bieng present almost everywhere in the 20th century. I myself have been caught up with technology as well. There are many ways that technology is part of my daily routine. Whether it be watching television, playing video games, talking on the phone or using the computer like I am right now to write my blog. It seems like everybody in the world is involved with technology new or old, it is just those who have it surrounded by them that are not greatful for what they have to offer. When I went to Cuba this year, I noticed that they did not have the newest products released like we do in North America. Their vehicles were mainly from the 50's, their computers were very old models if they had any at all, their radios had to atleast be from the early 80's and yet even though they lived a simple life, they were all happy with what they had. When i included the working conditions and living conditions differenciated between Cuba and Canada i thought to myself "I don't think I know of one person in canada that would put up with life like this". I knew I would not be able to. The thing that bothered me the most though was how Canadians take for granted everything they have and always want something brand new whereas in Cuba, when my father gave a man at the resort I stayed at a few clothes and a device he uses at work, her cryed with joy and thanked my father continuosly. Technology can be a great thing for a society but it can have negative affects as well. There has to be a balance point in technology though so that humans are not too ungreatful for what they have or too neady for what they do not posess. One thing is known though, and that is technology can only benefit people to a certain extent and at no circumstance should it go too far as to run the lives of people and make crucial decisions for them.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Inauguration of Barrack Obama

On Wednesday January 20th America had a new president sworn in to guide them through the challenges they currently face. On this day Barrack Essien Obama had taken the oath which enabled him to become the 44th president of the United States of America and the first of African American heritage. This was truly a historic day for all Americans because by having Barrack elected, a new face of a nation was unveiled. The significance of the event was shown throughout the large attendance which showed up to watch the ceremony. The idea of having a new president at all is overwhelming because it brings you a sense of relief just knowing that the troubles that had accompanied the last president is something of the past and that the future will be brighter with a new more charismatic, intelligent and trustworthy leader. A leader that will tackle the important issues which affect everyone among the globe. This event captivated the audiences and this is because of the incredible fact that remains which is, that one man can change the outcome of the current lacking economy and help the overall living conditions of citizens from almost every nation whether they reside in economical leading countries or developing ones. In a way, this is a stepping stone for me and something i will remember for a long time because never before have i seen with my very own eyes such an important event take place and having all of it revolve around one individual with such a degree of importance. This event was not just about Obama however, as you watch the process leading to the actual inauguration, you were given a chance to view the previous living presidents of the united states entering the ceremonies with their families. With this you can reflect with the information that you know about them when they were in office and determine in your own opinion if their time as president was benefial to Americans or not. In my opinion i did not think so. I thought the only president that had more of a positive impact rather than negative one on the country was Bill Clinton. George Bush and George Bush senior on the other hand in a way, left Obama with alot of work to clean up as he is in office but none the less this is the role of a president. In conclusion i would like to say that if Obama was not special, unigue or gifted in any way, then he would not have been inaugurated in the first place and on top of this have had made history and the record for the largest attendance the ceremony had every had. This bieng said in my opinion i enjoyed watching Obama become the next president of America because i have faith and hope in him that i never had in any other president and i know that what he does in office is going to affect how Canadians live their lives as well.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Gaming Gone Wild

Gaming has been around since the early 80's and even then it caught the attention of its players. Like many new things, it started off without much popularity, but sooner than later it caught the attention of many young individuals. Video games are entertaining and they do not take much physical effort to play. This is unfortunately the problem. When entertainment is combined with laziness then it can become quite addictive. Children need to be active to grow big and strong, but if they play video games too much then this can take over their daily schedules and eventually they generally begin to spend less time doing their homework, completing their chores, exercising and even staying up past their curfews.The reason why video games capture the attention of so many people now, whether they be big or small, is because they come in many different genres that attract to peoples preferences. Some include sports, action, racing, horror, fighting and even shooting. Unfortunately the last three are the ones that could have a negative impact on not just the gamer itself but to others as well. There were several reports of violence exhibited in children which claim they had originated from the video games they play. Children could not complete homework because the horror game they had previously played frightened them before they went to sleep and another case was a young boy who accidently killed his friend when he was trying to show him a move that was used in one of his fighting games. Almost everyone in North America had played video games atleast once, but it is the minority that spend a majority of their time doing so that do not know when enough is enough. I believe that anywhere from one hour to two hours a day is enough to play video games and any games that contain any kind of violence or any sort of depressive scenarios/themes should be avoided. People should make sure that after they are finished, they properly exercise and complete their work they would have done in the time spent gaming. Another should be in no circumstances skip social events or curfews so they stay informed in family and friends affairs. If one is too addicted to games it is important for family and friends to arrange ways to educate and introduce several other activities to grab the attention of the gamer so that he or she is saved before gaming eventually ruins their life in the long run. So whether you are a gamer or not it is important to be educated about the flaws of the subject and to be reminded of the impact it can have on your life.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Campaign Trail

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The first commercial that I viewed was clearly one of the past. This is because it shows how good life was before the economic disaster that occured. The people in the commercial were very happy relaxing and there was nothing at all going on that was interuppting the good time they all were having.There were a bunch of friends enjoying life and drinking beers and this was used to show how stable the economy was. I thought the second commercial was very interesting. It showed how the American economy was slowly becoming a recession. This was likely caused shortly after, by George Bush. He was clearly the worst president that America has ever voter for. Not only was his lack of intelligence dreadful to view but even if you were not informed of his presence you would notice that negative changes were bieng made by the falling of the economy before your eyes. So after eight years of having a president as previously described you can tell from what the same people from the first video had to go through during that period. There was a man who lost his house and was looking for a job, another who was sent to Iraq, one who lost all his money in stocks, and even one who was badly injured and could not pay for health insurance. All these people represented the main reason why living in America is not as good as it once was when it was in prosperity. The living conditions are only getting worse and the country is undoubtably moving into depression. Luckily after all that had happened can the people in the second video have something to actually look after.Obama was elected as the new president of the United States and he was the missing ingredient to repairing America in it's time of need. Change is surely going to result now that we have a president as intelligent and good willed as Barrack.