Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Inauguration of Barrack Obama

On Wednesday January 20th America had a new president sworn in to guide them through the challenges they currently face. On this day Barrack Essien Obama had taken the oath which enabled him to become the 44th president of the United States of America and the first of African American heritage. This was truly a historic day for all Americans because by having Barrack elected, a new face of a nation was unveiled. The significance of the event was shown throughout the large attendance which showed up to watch the ceremony. The idea of having a new president at all is overwhelming because it brings you a sense of relief just knowing that the troubles that had accompanied the last president is something of the past and that the future will be brighter with a new more charismatic, intelligent and trustworthy leader. A leader that will tackle the important issues which affect everyone among the globe. This event captivated the audiences and this is because of the incredible fact that remains which is, that one man can change the outcome of the current lacking economy and help the overall living conditions of citizens from almost every nation whether they reside in economical leading countries or developing ones. In a way, this is a stepping stone for me and something i will remember for a long time because never before have i seen with my very own eyes such an important event take place and having all of it revolve around one individual with such a degree of importance. This event was not just about Obama however, as you watch the process leading to the actual inauguration, you were given a chance to view the previous living presidents of the united states entering the ceremonies with their families. With this you can reflect with the information that you know about them when they were in office and determine in your own opinion if their time as president was benefial to Americans or not. In my opinion i did not think so. I thought the only president that had more of a positive impact rather than negative one on the country was Bill Clinton. George Bush and George Bush senior on the other hand in a way, left Obama with alot of work to clean up as he is in office but none the less this is the role of a president. In conclusion i would like to say that if Obama was not special, unigue or gifted in any way, then he would not have been inaugurated in the first place and on top of this have had made history and the record for the largest attendance the ceremony had every had. This bieng said in my opinion i enjoyed watching Obama become the next president of America because i have faith and hope in him that i never had in any other president and i know that what he does in office is going to affect how Canadians live their lives as well.