Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Changing Ways of People and Technology

Technology has been a part of human lives for ages now and it is true when people say that it has changed the living conditions and behavior of humans due to the reason it has evolved over the years. I personally believe that as technology grows and more is introduced, that the user becomes lazier and expects so much from something that is brand new. It seems that they get caught up with all of the latest introduced products to the point were they would not be able to adapt if they were brought back to the past when technology was primitive. In the early years, most technological devices were difficult to use and they did not offer much compared to what the more improved versions do today. None the less, to own something that made your life easier was treasured unlike it is today. For example, if a middle class family from the 50's were to recieve a telephone they would be undoubtably greatful for it, because it was a material item that not everyone could afford to posess. Nowadays if a family were to get a free telephone from a company or as a gift they would likely be slightly gracious or some would even discard it. This is a sign of technology bieng present almost everywhere in the 20th century. I myself have been caught up with technology as well. There are many ways that technology is part of my daily routine. Whether it be watching television, playing video games, talking on the phone or using the computer like I am right now to write my blog. It seems like everybody in the world is involved with technology new or old, it is just those who have it surrounded by them that are not greatful for what they have to offer. When I went to Cuba this year, I noticed that they did not have the newest products released like we do in North America. Their vehicles were mainly from the 50's, their computers were very old models if they had any at all, their radios had to atleast be from the early 80's and yet even though they lived a simple life, they were all happy with what they had. When i included the working conditions and living conditions differenciated between Cuba and Canada i thought to myself "I don't think I know of one person in canada that would put up with life like this". I knew I would not be able to. The thing that bothered me the most though was how Canadians take for granted everything they have and always want something brand new whereas in Cuba, when my father gave a man at the resort I stayed at a few clothes and a device he uses at work, her cryed with joy and thanked my father continuosly. Technology can be a great thing for a society but it can have negative affects as well. There has to be a balance point in technology though so that humans are not too ungreatful for what they have or too neady for what they do not posess. One thing is known though, and that is technology can only benefit people to a certain extent and at no circumstance should it go too far as to run the lives of people and make crucial decisions for them.