Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Campaign Trail

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The first commercial that I viewed was clearly one of the past. This is because it shows how good life was before the economic disaster that occured. The people in the commercial were very happy relaxing and there was nothing at all going on that was interuppting the good time they all were having.There were a bunch of friends enjoying life and drinking beers and this was used to show how stable the economy was. I thought the second commercial was very interesting. It showed how the American economy was slowly becoming a recession. This was likely caused shortly after, by George Bush. He was clearly the worst president that America has ever voter for. Not only was his lack of intelligence dreadful to view but even if you were not informed of his presence you would notice that negative changes were bieng made by the falling of the economy before your eyes. So after eight years of having a president as previously described you can tell from what the same people from the first video had to go through during that period. There was a man who lost his house and was looking for a job, another who was sent to Iraq, one who lost all his money in stocks, and even one who was badly injured and could not pay for health insurance. All these people represented the main reason why living in America is not as good as it once was when it was in prosperity. The living conditions are only getting worse and the country is undoubtably moving into depression. Luckily after all that had happened can the people in the second video have something to actually look after.Obama was elected as the new president of the United States and he was the missing ingredient to repairing America in it's time of need. Change is surely going to result now that we have a president as intelligent and good willed as Barrack.